Tuesday, January 6, 2009

bare tree-tops
blending into the dark sky ...
twilight... ending...

a still winter night
the moon looks frozen
in the fog

even in winter
honysuckle bush quivers
with sparrows

winter sunrise..
treetop has only birds
in the first light


Got a lovely e-card from a friend that was about the hope that spring can bring... needing the hope right now, needing the spring.

So, I ordered these to move from cold and dark to the hope of light returning, of warmth and possibility.


tom in kc said...

On a day like this, you simply must listen to Ann Hampton Callaway's rendition of "You Must Believe in Spring":

When lonely feelings chill
The meadows of your mind,
Just think if Winter comes,
Can Spring be far behind?

Beneath the deepest snows,
The secret of a rose
Is merely that it knows
You must believe in Spring!

Just as a tree is sure
Its leaves will reappear;
It knows its emptiness
Is just the time of year

The frozen mountain dreams
Of April's melting streams,
How crystal clear it seems,
You must believe in Spring!

You must believe in love
And trust it's on its way,
Just as the sleeping rose
Awaits the kiss of May

So in a world of snow,
Of things that come and go,
Where what you think you know,
You can't be certain of,
You must believe in Spring and love

Lex the mom said...

Welcome to the world of blogging! Though, I have to admit - your blogging is so much more meaningful than mine. ;)

Beautiful Haiku!