Saturday, January 10, 2009

Beautiful Day

two strollers,
one dog, three neighbors --
spring-like day

sparrows fuss
safe in a green bush
hawk just poops

here & there
evergreens curbside
-- January

on its back,
cat stretches one paw
--winter sun

window sill
a thin line of snow:
cold sunrise

cardinal song



It was such a great day yesterday... high 50s, though I heard even higher from some people. I took a nice walk to a friend's house to play board games. On the way, I saw lots of people out doing things... and the Christmas trees on the curbs.

In the back yard here, there is a big old stump overgrown with honeysuckle. It's a delight when it's blooming, and even now still has a lot of green leaves -- dark green and a little withered, but still... There's a large gathering of sparrows that hangs around at the birdfeeder in a neighbor's yard. However, they often zip over to the stump/bush when they feel threatened, usually perched on top.

A hawk also travels through the neighborhood frequently. The hawk was sitting on the phone line and would swoop down every once in a while, when it had potential prey in its sites. It made one raid to the stump/bush and all the sparrows set up an alarm and just kept chirping and chirping. The hawk returned to the phone line and would turn in their direction every once in a while... then turned away and pooped.

It seemed to be making a commentary on all their commotion.

The last one is an imagined scene.

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